How to whiten skin and reduce sunburn? ? ? Three elements determine fair skin


πŸ’š Know the whitening ingredients

Scientists have developed a lot of safe and effective whitening ingredients, mainly vitamins and plant extracts. We are familiar with vitamin C, vitamin B3, licorice, kojic acid, ursolic acid, and soybean extracts, all of which have whitening effects. They have their own different whitening effects. The me, so when choosing them, we must understand the difference about them. For example: morning skin care, you need to use vitamin C-rich products, whitening can also resist oxidation, anti-aging, and resist external aggressions; before going to bed, you can choose to use vitamin A (retin yellow carcass) products, which can be used during sleep Reduces the precipitation of pigments and reduces the initial sunburn and stains.

πŸ’š Don't panic when spots appear

Fade away stains. Cut cucumber into thin slices and apply it on your face. It also has a deep cleansing effect. It can remove dirt from deep pores, reduce pigmentation, and help fade stains.

πŸ’š Do not rush to achieve success step by step

After 6-8 weeks of intensive whitening care, you can usually see that the spots fade, the skin tone is even, and the improvement is gradual and continuous. Compared to medical treatment, it may be a bit slower, but the gains are a lot, because it is a very happy thing to get used to pampering yourself every day, and it can also allow you to accumulate beauty experience.


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