It is better for women to drink more soup when they go to beauty salons in autumn. It can nourish blood and nourish the skin without gaining weight. It is worse than bird's nest.

It is better for women to drink more soup in the beauty salon in autumn, which can nourish blood and nourish the skin without gaining weight, which is worse than bird's nest. Nowadays, female friends are paying more and more attention to their own aging problems. There are a lot of tonic capsules and a lot of facial masks in the refrigerator, but to be honest, except for the very expensive ladies' skin care products, the others are almost not very big. The effect of this, and such a large expenditure is unrealistic for most ordinary families. It’s autumn now, it’s a good season to drink soup. I want to teach you how to make a beauty soup. Drinking more is better than going to a beauty salon. It is black-bone chicken soup. Everyone knows that black-bone chicken is very nutritious and healthy. Excellent ingredients. Nourish blood and nourish the skin without gaining weight, which is better than bird's nest. Everyone, hurry up and learn from me!

Dendrobium Black Chicken Soup with American Ginseng


1 silky chicken, 10 grams of American ginseng, 15 grams of hawthorn, 15 grams of dendrobium, 4 slices of ginger, 4 scallions, fine salt, 2 tablespoons of cooking wine

Cooking steps:

🍱 Choose a black-bone chicken that is more than two catties per catty. Kill and wash, add a pot of cold water to a boil. Boil the blood, remove and rinse

🍱 Wash the green onions and tie them into knots. Ginger slices. Wash medicinal materials

🍱 Pour all the things from step 2 into the pot for the bottom

🍱 Put the washed black-bone chicken on top

🍱 Add cold water without the chicken. Bring to a boil over high heat and simmer slowly for about 1 and a half hours. Add appropriate amount of cooking wine in the middle, add salt according to taste before eating

πŸ’’ Cooking tips:

1. It depends on its crown. The crown of the hen is small, like a mulberry, and the color is darker. The rooster's crest is larger, like a flower, purple and red in color. 2. Looking at the tasseled head, a tuft of silk hair grows on the top of the chicken's head to form a crown, while the hen is more developed and forms a white pompom. 3. Look at the ears, the ears of black-bone chickens are green, like jade, with bright color. The color will become lighter in adulthood. 4. Look at the feet of chickens, the feet of black-bone chickens are densely covered with white hairs, and the outside is more obvious. 5. Look at the color of the skin. The whole body skin of black-bone chicken is black. 6. Look at the color of the meat. The muscles and internal organs of the black-bone chicken are black, but the breast muscles and legs are lighter. 7. Looking at the bones, the bones of black-bone chickens are generally black, and the periosteum is black and shiny, and the bones are black. (It is best to choose black-bone chicken with black bones and meat) 


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