Is it acne or acne? 2 methods to teach you to distinguish

Many men and women will grow various small bumps, pimples, acne or pimples on their faces, which greatly affects the beauty of the face, and even affects normal life in severe cases.

For small acne on the face, some people say that it is acne, and some people say that it is acne. However, how exactly is the difference between acne and acne? How should we clean up these small pimples on the face?

What is acne?

In fact, acne and acne belong to the same condition to some extent, and there is no difference between the two. Sometimes, the relationship between the two is only contained and contained. Acne is actually not yet inflamed acne. Simply put, it is the previous stage of acne and the beginning of acne. It is medically called "comedogenic acne". When acne becomes inflamed, it will become so-called acne. This condition is not the name of the disease, but a symptom of the skin.

Acne is divided into whiteheads and blackheads. Whiteheads are called closed acne, which is caused by excessive sebum secretion, and the pores are blocked by keratin, forming small bumps, while blackheads are caused by open pores. The oil and air form an oxidation reaction, causing the top of the acne to turn black, which is called open acne.

What is acne?

The so-called acne, also commonly known as acne, is actually the name of a disease, which is specifically manifested in the skin on the face, front chest or back, which produces uniform and inflammatory papules of hair follicles, as well as a form of inflammation. A comprehensive judgment, these are actually common skin diseases.

What is the difference between acne and pimples?

① Different appearance

Although acne is one of the types of acne, it is relatively mild. But there is a difference between the appearance of acne and acne. The acne has just appeared, it is relatively hard, and a small pus appears slowly in the middle.

However, acne has small pus spots when it first appears, which can be manifested as closed and open types. The closed manifestation is papules without obvious hair follicle openings. If it is closed, it can be manifested as a papule that significantly expands the opening of the hair follicle. Acne often further develops into more serious inflammatory skin lesions, manifested as nodules, pustules, papules and so on.

② The growth position is different

Acne often appears on the forehead, chin and other parts, and acne not only appears on the forehead, chin, but also on the cheeks, and it is more serious than acne. Acne can also appear in the position of the hairline, and the symptoms are obvious, which has a certain relationship with improper cleaning. Acne often occurs in adolescence. In severe cases, skin lesions will appear on the chest and back. The skin lesions have a variety of manifestations, including whiteheads, inflammatory papules, and pustules.

But whether it is acne or acne, it needs to be treated in time, and when it is severe, it needs to be treated in the hospital.

How to prevent acne and acne

① Clean face hygiene

If you want to improve acne-prone skin, you must pay attention to the water and oil balance of your skin, wash your face well in the morning and evening, and choose some skin care products. For different skin types, different skin problems, and different healing effects, they can go deep into the hair follicle to clean up garbage. It can not only remove old dead skin cells, but also bring out the mites hiding in the pores.

② Change pillows and pillow towels frequently

Since we are in contact with the pillow for a long time during our daily rest, and our face often touches the pillow and pillow towel, we must do a good job of hygiene. It is best to wash the pillow towel once a week, and the pillow needs to be taken out and dried frequently to prevent The breeding of mites or bacteria.

③ Don't squeeze acne with your hands

Many people can’t help but squeeze them with their hands. They don’t know that the more you squeeze the acne, the easier it will become. It is easy to create a chance for bacteria to survive. Acne.

④ Reasonable diet control

Eat more light diets in daily life, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, which are rich in vitamins. Only by following a healthy diet and a reasonable diet can the problem of acne be improved. 


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