7 NG actions to remove blackheads

Guide:Compared with other skin problems, the battle for blackheads is a long one. If you want to take a shortcut and use simple and rude methods for blackheads, the ghost of strawberry nose will last for a long time. Quickly avoid the common misunderstandings of removing blackheads, and use scientific methods to contain the flooding blackhead forest. The following 7 misunderstandings of removing blackheads must be avoided.

NG action one:Squeeze the blackhead with your hand

The raised blackheads in the pores make your hands itchy. Many people squeeze them with their hands, but because the nails tend to contain bacteria, they can easily cause skin inflammation. In the end, the blackheads are not resolved, and the pores will become bigger and bigger. And after squeezing the blackheads, the nose will become red and swollen, which is more ugly than full blackheads.

NG action two: Pick with acne needle

In fact, this principle is similar to that of squeezing by hand, but it is relatively hygienic. But to be honest, acne needles are really not easy to use. Blackheads can't come out after being squeezed for a long time, but there are a lot of red marks on the nose because of excessive squeezing, which is really super ugly.

NG action three: Rub with coarse salt

Using salt to remove blackheads used to go viral. Take a small spoonful of salt on your hand and mix it with a few drops of water to turn it into a thick liquid. Then massage the liquid on your nose for a while, and then wash it off. However, the amount of water in this method is difficult to control, and friction can only remove the dead skin of the epidermis. Deep blackheads are not effective at all. Excessive force can scratch the skin.

NG action four: Use suction pore cleaner

There are pore cleaners with suction cups for sale outside. Don't use it! I have one on my hand. After sucking it for a long time, I haven't sucked any blackheads out, but the whole nose is full of red marks. And it takes a long time for the sucked red seal to fade. The most important thing is that this sucking can cause great damage to the pores!

NG action five: Use a tear-and-pull nasal membrane

This kind of nasal patch can effectively remove blackheads from pores to a certain extent, but this method is extremely inappropriate for long-term use. Once you have used it, you will know that whether it is a sticker or a gel-like air-dried, it is impossible to stick out the blackheads by relying on the little stickiness of the surface. Moreover, the tear-off nasal membrane can damage the skin.

NG action six: Baking soda to blackheads

The principle of using baking soda to remove blackheads is that the aqueous solution of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) is weakly alkaline. The blackheads are originally acidic. After the acid and alkali are neutralized, the blackheads will come out. It sounds reasonable, but the force between the baking soda and the blackheads is extremely small, and the reaction speed is extremely slow. It may take a long time to remove the blackheads after neutralization. If you use baking soda for a long time, it will destroy the skin's natural barrier and make your skin more dry and sensitive.

NG action seven: Cleansing oil to blackheads

The principle of cleansing oil to remove blackheads is to use cleansing oil to dissolve the oil that forms blackheads. With massage, the blackheads gradually dissolve, and then they are pressed out of the pores and finally removed. But the cleansing oil is generally greasy. It is difficult to clean with water. It takes a long time to clean. If the cleansing is not clean, the cleansing oil will bring more oil to the skin, clogging the pores and causing acne symptoms.


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