The most important thing for skin care is to get a good beauty sleep

The most important thing for a woman is to get a beauty sleep. Sleeping time every night is the most vigorous period of metabolism, and it is also the key time for regulating endocrine and rest of the body's internal organs. Whether your skin is good or not depends on your beauty sleep or not. Otherwise, skin problems such as dark circles, eye bags, acne, and stains will appear.

What happens if you don’t get a good night's sleep? Today, I will give my friends a list of skin problems one by one:

πŸ™Ž dark yellow face

Irregularities in daily life will be very intuitively manifested on your facial skin, especially eye skin. As long as you don't get enough sleep, it will cause poor blood circulation in your body. At this time, melanin will creep up around your eyes, causing dark circles and stains.

When you stay up late, the liver cannot get rest, and toxins and melanin cannot be excreted normally, and they will be deposited in the body and skin, resulting in a dark yellow face.

πŸ™Ž Rough skin

When we rest at night, the body will metabolize and release growth hormones, the growth of the skin will be affected by them, so that skin cells will replicate faster, and the production of collagen and keratin will also speed up at the same time to achieve continuous cell renewal. Purpose.

However, if you have irregular schedules and irregular sleep, hormones will be secreted abnormally and your skin will become very rough. When the blood vessels of the skin cannot get enough blood, the metabolism of skin cells will be blocked due to lack of nutrition, and problems such as skin aging will occur.

πŸ™Ž Dry and lack of water

If you stay up late, your skin will not be able to recuperate normally, and the water-locking and moisturizing function of the sebum layer will be affected, making the skin dehydrated. At the same time, due to the inability to guarantee the timely supply of nutrients, skin malnutrition will result, and conditions such as dryness, desquamation, and fine lines will often appear.

πŸ™Ž T zone is severely shiny

Frequent staying up all night will lead to lack of sleep, make skin metabolism changes or even disorder, and oil secretion will become abnormal. Too much oil on the face and not being cleaned up in time will cause a series of skin problems. At this time, you will find that your cheeks are very dry, and the T-shaped area, forehead, and jaw will clog the pores due to excessive oil and dirt adhesion, resulting in enlarged pores, and even acne and acne.

Before going to bed, you must remember to clean your facial skin. Then you can apply the mask to replenish the skin. After removing the mask, press the massage, wash the face with clean water before going to bed. If possible, it is recommended to use water cream The three-piece suit moisturizes the skin, which can reduce the skin problems caused by staying up late to a certain extent.


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