6 steps to reduce the damage of computer radiation to the skin

Computers have become an indispensable tool in our daily work, and some professional girls have to face the computer every day. We all know that computer radiation can damage the skin. Let’s take a look at the specific impact of computer radiation on the skin. , 6 steps to reduce damage to the skin.

1. The brightness of the computer screen should not be too high

Generally speaking, if the brightness of the computer screen is higher, its electromagnetic radiation will be stronger, and the damage and irritation to the skin will be greater. Therefore, it is recommended that girls adjust the screen brightness of the computer they use to moderate, not too bright, of course, not too dark, so that it is easy to cause eye fatigue, moderate is good.

2. Clean the skin in time after watching the computer for a long time

After facing the computer for a long time, you should clean your skin thoroughly, especially before going to bed at night. Many girls find that their skin is dirty and oily when they get off work. In fact, this is the damage to the skin caused by the computer for a long time. The quality will get worse and worse. In the long run, don't complain about becoming an "old woman".

2. Clean the skin in time after watching the computer for a long time

After facing the computer for a long time, you should clean your skin thoroughly, especially before going to bed at night. Many girls find that their skin is dirty and oily when they get off work. In fact, this is the damage to the skin caused by the computer for a long time. The quality will get worse and worse. In the long run, don't complain about becoming an "old woman".

3. Develop a good habit of drinking green tea

For those who are accustomed to drinking tea, especially those who love to drink green tea, the computer radiation damage to their skin will be relatively lighter. There are very good substances in tea that prevent computer radiation, have a protective effect on the skin, and can reduce the damage caused by computer radiation. Green tea is always rich in vitamin A, which can prevent dry eye, night blindness, etc. It is very helpful for protecting eyes and fighting skin damage. Drinking green tea often can also effectively play a role in beauty and skin care to a certain extent.

5. Commonly used moisturizing spray

If the skin is in contact with the computer for a long time, it is absolutely impossible not to do moisturizing and hydrating care for the skin. In front of the computer screen, the skin is easily dry and dehydrated. It is the same reason that the cut apple will oxidize. Therefore, it is recommended for the cuties. You can often use moisturizing sprays to replenish the skin at any time. Spraying moisturizing sprays from time to time will not only make you feel comfortable as a whole, but also make your skin excellently hydrated and protected.

6. Please turn off the computer when you are not using it

Some people don’t turn off the computer as long as it is turned on. This is actually wrong. If the computer is turned on for a long time, its radiation is very large. Girls should turn off the computer screen when they are not using the computer to avoid radiation stimulation to the skin. .


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