Women with tight skin are attractive! Ways to tighten the skin

Guide:Once women’s skin reaches the age of 25, it begins to slowly go downhill, and the collagen on the face is slowly lost unknowingly. Starting from the age of 30, the skin slowly becomes loose as one of the signs of aging. In fact, the method of skin tightening is very simple. As long as you pay attention to your daily life habits and adopt the correct skin care methods, you can effectively tighten your skin. Next, let me share with you the fastest way to tighten your skin.

① Insist on aerobic to make the skin firmer

The younger the blood vessels, the smoother the blood circulation, which can promote the good metabolism of the aging stratum corneum on the skin surface. If the blood vessels in the body become aging and lose its elasticity, the blood vessels will harden and the blood circulation will change accordingly. Slow, so the skin's metabolic capacity will decline rapidly. The age of the blood vessels is also a major factor in determining the age of the skin. Aerobic exercise is an exercise that can help the body's blood vessels to restore youthfulness.

② Eat more collagen-containing foods to tighten the skin

The dermis layer of the skin is mainly composed of collagen fibers and elastic fibers. It provides the basic support for the skin. When the skin is young, the collagen fiber density is high, so this is also the reason why the young sister's paper skin looks good. , And as the age grows, the skin's collagen will be slowly lost. At this time, you can choose to eat more foods containing collagen to make your skin firmer.

③ Give more facial massage to tighten the skin

Before going to bed every night, you can do more facial skin massage, massage can promote the blood circulation of the facial skin, but also can stretch and tighten the facial skin, so it can effectively tighten the skin.

The details are as follows:

πŸ‘‹ Take the center of the brow as the base point, massage in a large circle, spread to the entire forehead with index finger, middle finger, and ring finger, use the center of the brow as the base point, massage in a circle toward the temple. The skin has the sensation of pulling upwards, massage the temples with homeopathy.

πŸ‘‹ In this session, massage the nose that is often forgotten. Use the middle finger to gently massage both sides of the nose straight down. It has the effect of stretching the skin and preventing the appearance of horizontal lines. Massage the left and right sides 3 times; the middle finger pad is close to the nasal groove, move up and down little by little, about 6 times. Make the accumulated dirt surface. To dissolve the excess sebum, apply a little force.

πŸ‘‹ At the corners of the mouth that are prone to drooping, quickly lift up and use the middle finger and ring finger to slide from the center of the lower lip to the left and right corners of the mouth to massage. This action has the effect of relieving sagging skin, about 3 times.

πŸ‘‹ Massively massage the cheeks with the middle finger and ring finger as the center of the lower jaw, and massage in circular motions towards the left and right ears. Move your fingers sharply to massage the entire face, about 3 times.

πŸ‘‹Gently stimulate the temples to promote lymphatic circulation. Push the temples gently again, using the strength that feels comfortable. The temples are in charge of lymph flow, and gentle pressure should be used to promote its circulation.

πŸ‘‹Carefully massage around the eyes that are prone to fatigue and swelling to promote blood circulation. Take the corner of the eye as the base point, cover the entire eye with the middle finger and ring finger, and gently stroke to the outside, about 3 times. At this time, he has to nudge his temples again.

πŸ‘‹Slightly massage the neck with concentrated blood vessels and lymph nodes. If the massage cream is not enough, you can replenish it again. Use the palm of your hand to lift it up from the bottom to the center of the neck. It is easier to move the upper jaw during massage.


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