What should I do if my menstrual period is bad? Learn these points to restore your complexion

Many girls find that their skin gets worse during menstruation. Why is this? What should I do if my skin becomes worse after menstruation? The following editor will teach you some methods.

To say what is the thing that girls hate most in their lives, the monthly menstrual period can be at the top of the hate list. Once the menstrual period is reached, neither the female man nor the soft girl can bear the torture of abdominal pain, backaches and backaches are all symptoms. Strikes, these are nothing but just get over it.

However, for girls who put beauty first in their menstrual period, they have a low face value of this month. Not to mention acne and dark yellow, the skin will be greasy and sensitive. How to solve such poor skin during the menstrual period, I will teach you today You have some tips to relax skincare during your menstrual period.

1. Commonly used when moisturizing facial masks:

The skin during the menstrual period is prone to dryness and peeling. In this way, when we put on the base makeup, it will be easy to make the base makeup uncomfortable. In order to improve this situation, we must learn to use a moisturizing mask to save it. The amount of hydrating mask must be used more frequently than usual to ensure that the skin is always hydrated.

2. Light diet:

Whenever a person's eating habits directly affect her internal health, the menstrual period is no exception.

Girls in their menstrual period have severe blood loss and are prone to symptoms of anemia. We must prepare red dates and other foods to replenish blood. At the same time, we must also eat some bananas and other fruits to strengthen circulation in the body, so as to eliminate toxins from the body and have a good complexion. If none of these are available, you can drink a few glasses of boiled water or brown sugar water every day.

3、 do sunscreen homework:

These days are when girls have the most fragile skin in a month, and the skin's defense effect is obviously weakened. If you can't do a good job of sun protection in time, you will definitely be damaged by ultraviolet rays, and it is easy to accumulate melanin in the body.

Therefore, in order to prevent it, you must do a good job of isolation and sunscreen. If you are worried that sunscreen will damage your skin, try to choose some mild and non-irritating sunscreen products, or you can choose to wear a hat and mask when you go out. In this way, it can be resisted even if it is not irritating to the sun.


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