What is the cause of always getting acne on the face?

Acne on both sides of the cheek can be seen everywhere, which seriously affects our mood and easily makes us lose self-confidence. Everyone wants to know why there is acne on the cheeks, right? Below, I will find out the 6 major causes of cheek acne for my friends, and also our beautiful skin!

Wash your face so-so

Cleansing is the most basic skincare procedure, but most people don't take it seriously, thinking that washing your face is just rubbing the cleanser into bubbles, rubbing it on your face, and rinsing it off with water! As everyone knows, if the way of washing the face is not correct, the oil on the cheeks will easily accumulate and cause clogging of pores, allowing acne and acne to take advantage of it.

Probability Index of Acne: ★★★★★

Rescue measures

1. Wash your face with warm water when washing face. This will not only ensure that the pores are fully opened, but will not cause excessive loss of skin oil.

2. It is not advisable to use cleansing milk that is too clean, as this will cause the skin to become dry and dry. Choose a mild acid facial cleanser. Before applying it to the face, make sure to fully foam the cleanser in the palm of your hand. If the cleanser does not foam sufficiently, it will not only not achieve the cleansing effect, but it will also remain in the pores. Causes acne inside.

3. After applying the foam on the face, massage gently in circular motions. Don't use too much force to avoid wrinkles. Massage about 15 times to spread the foam all over the face.

4. After washing off the foam on your face, remember to look in the mirror to check if there is any residual foam around your forehead and the hairline on both sides of your cheeks. Clean it up a little bit.

Facing the computer for a long time

Nowadays, many people cannot live without computers, and they even spend more than ten hours in front of the computer in one day. As everyone knows, the electrostatic dust from the computer adheres to our faces, clogging the pores, which can easily cause the pores to become thicker, and a large number of pimples will also take the opportunity to pop up.

Probability Index of Acne: ★★★★☆

Rescue measures

1. If you have to use a computer to work, you should take a short break after one hour of work each time, and use a moisturizing spray to moisturize your skin; and when it is not necessary for work, you should stay away from the computer as much as possible.

2. Place cacti and other anti-radiation plants in front of the computer.

3. Wash your face immediately after getting off work, and apply a moisturizing mask two to three times a week.

Improper selection of cosmetics

It is the nature of girls to love beauty, so before going out, they always carefully apply foundation and concealer to put on beautiful makeup. However, when choosing cosmetics, many little fairies did not choose suitable cosmetics according to their skin types, and some even chose inferior cosmetics for cheap, such as cosmetics containing heavy metals such as lead and mercury. These inferior cosmetics are easy to cause skin allergies and aging when used on the face, while greasy cosmetics can easily clog pores and cause unsolicited acne, and toxic cosmetics are sensitive to skin and are also prone to allergies and premature aging.

Probability Index of Acne: ★★★★★

Rescue measures

1. Choose cosmetics according to your skin type. Oily skin must not use cosmetics with too much oil.

2. For people with oily skin, it is best not to make up or reduce the frequency of makeup. If you have to make up due to work needs, try to choose light makeup.

3. Don't choose inferior cosmetics. Inferior cosmetics usually contain toxic heavy metals such as lead and mercury, which will make the skin worse and worse.

Congenital oily skin

The cheeks of friends with oily skin are prone to oily cheeks. If excessive oil secretion is not cleaned in time, it is easy to cause clogging of pores, leading to blackheads, acne, and affecting the permeability of the skin. Therefore, friends with oily skin are relatively prone to acne.

Probability Index of Acne: ★★★★★

Rescue measures

1. Regularly moisturize the skin. The skin itself can only secrete oil, but cannot provide the moisture needed by the skin. Therefore, you need to inject moisture into your skin. Choose your own hydrating skincare products. Do a good job of hydrating and moisturizing after cleansing every morning and evening, To maintain the skin's water and oil balance.

2. Choose suitable anti-acne products in the early and mid-stages of acne growth, avoid using hormone-containing ointments, and use skin care products containing chamomile, witch hazel, and other ingredients that contain oil control and anti-acne ingredients.

Endocrine disorders

Male hormones are the culprit of acne. They affect the physiological metabolism of the sebaceous glands of the hair follicles, increase the secretion of the sebaceous glands, and embolize the pores. In the first 1-2 weeks of a woman's menstrual period, that is, the luteal phase, the ovaries will secrete luteinizing hormone and male hormones, resulting in thicker keratin and increased oil secretion, so many girls are prone to acne during these few days.

Probability Index of Acne: ★★★★☆

Rescue measures

1. Women should pay attention to keeping warm during the menstrual period. Cleanse each morning and evening, and don't forget to moisturize and moisturize the skin.

2. Maintain a good mood and mentality.

Not paying attention to eating

In the case of acne, eating high-sugar, spicy, greasy, and high-fat foods will indirectly worsen acne muscles. Stimulating food can also cause abnormal hormone secretion in the body, increase oil, block pores, and cause acne.

Probability Index of Acne: ★★★★☆

Rescue measures

1. Eat less or avoid high-sugar, spicy, greasy, and high-fat foods.

2. The three skincare steps of cleaning, hydrating, and moisturizing before going to bed cannot be omitted. You should also pay attention to sun protection during the day when you go out, and wrap your skin with a protective cover.


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