
Showing posts from September, 2021
Why using toxic-free Sunscreen Matters to you and the Environment If you have been enjoying the outdoors like we have this summer, you know the importance of protecting your skin from UV rays (sunburns don't just look un-cool; they hurt and can be dangerous!) So, how do we find a sunscreen that is toxic-free and safe for the environment?  This week's post will share which ingredients to avoid to protect our skin and our environment, which ingredients to look for, and where to find brands you can trust. Harmful Ingredients to Avoid  Some experts are concerned that chemicals such as Oxybenzone may be absorbed through the skin, leading to skin irritation, hormonal disruption — or even skin cancer. The FDA recently called for more research on the safety and effectiveness of these chemicals.  Unfortunately, so many people put these ingredients on their skin and don't realize the dangers. Our skin absorbs what you put onto it, and enters into the bloodstream in just 26 seconds! 
 Do you know what the skin wants? Many people choose skincare products Most of the choices are based on the problems they want to solve I want to get acne, I want to whiten I want to fight to age, I want to remove wrinkles I need to. . . . . . Choose only what you want Do you know what the skin wants? Scientific skincare must be divided into primary and secondary, first to solve the skin quality problem, and then to solve the symptoms and complexion problems! Key points: First of all, the problem of skin quality must be solved, so that the skin is in a balanced state. In solving the problem of skin quality I was serious It sounds a bit complicated. The important thing for dry muscles is hydration! Mixed muscles need to balance oil secretion! The big oil skin is to control oil + moisturizing! 1. Big oil skin  wants to get acne first? If you have acne, the first thing you think of is to remove acne, not to improve the symptoms of oily skin! Conditioning the skin is more important than im
 Drink six kinds of beauty soups to make women look better For every woman, desire to have a perfect face. What women eat to maintain their beauty is a topic that many people are paying attention to. In fact, if a woman wants to be beautiful, she only needs to drink some nourishing soup. Red Bean and Wolfberry Pork Liver Soup Wash the adzuki beans first, then soak them in water. The onion, ginger, and garlic are all ready, and the liver is washed and reserved for future use. Add the right amount of water to the pot, add all the ingredients and cook, and you can eat it. Efficacy: Adzuki bean and wolfberry pig liver soup can moisturize the skin, whiten and nourish the skin.  Papaya and soybean trotters soup Wash the soybeans and soak them. Choose good papaya, peel the papaya, remove the seeds, cut into pieces, wash the pig's feet, put it in boiling water and blanch it until the surface becomes white, pick it up and rinse with cold water, and set aside; Put the hoof into a casserole,
 Women with tight skin are attractive! Ways to tighten the skin Guide: Once women’s skin reaches the age of 25, it begins to slowly go downhill, and the collagen on the face is slowly lost unknowingly. Starting from the age of 30, the skin slowly becomes loose as one of the signs of aging. In fact, the method of skin tightening is very simple. As long as you pay attention to your daily life habits and adopt the correct skin care methods, you can effectively tighten your skin. Next, let me share with you the fastest way to tighten your skin. ① Insist on aerobic to make the skin firmer The younger the blood vessels, the smoother the blood circulation, which can promote the good metabolism of the aging stratum corneum on the skin surface. If the blood vessels in the body become aging and lose its elasticity, the blood vessels will harden and the blood circulation will change accordingly. Slow, so the skin's metabolic capacity will decline rapidly. The age of the blood vessels is also
 6 steps to reduce the damage of computer radiation to the skin Computers have become an indispensable tool in our daily work, and some professional girls have to face the computer every day. We all know that computer radiation can damage the skin. Let’s take a look at the specific impact of computer radiation on the skin. , 6 steps to reduce damage to the skin. 1. The brightness of the computer screen should not be too high Generally speaking, if the brightness of the computer screen is higher, its electromagnetic radiation will be stronger, and the damage and irritation to the skin will be greater. Therefore, it is recommended that girls adjust the screen brightness of the computer they use to moderate, not too bright, of course, not too dark, so that it is easy to cause eye fatigue, moderate is good. 2. Clean the skin in time after watching the computer for a long time After facing the computer for a long time, you should clean your skin thoroughly, especially before going to bed at