
Showing posts from August, 2021
 What should I do if I have acne on my back? Pay attention to these issues Many people have acne on the face or neck, which is more important. So what is the difference between acne on the back and acne on the face? If you want to know the reason, just keep looking down. 1. The back is the reflection area of ​​the lungs, that is to say, the acne on the back is closely related to the lungs. For example, when the lungs are hot or the meridian is not smooth, it is easy to cause the problem of acne on the back. Therefore, the lungs should be regulated at ordinary times, and it is recommended to eat more pears or lilies. 2. Usually sweating too much, the clothes stick to the back to breed bacteria, but not changing and washing frequently, leading to acne on the back. Therefore, it is necessary to wash and change frequently and keep it clean and tidy. 3. Our skin is exposed to a lot of dust every day. If the bed sheet is left for a long time, it will accumulate dust, and when we rest in bed,
 It is better for women to drink more soup when they go to beauty salons in autumn. It can nourish blood and nourish the skin without gaining weight. It is worse than bird's nest. It is better for women to drink more soup in the beauty salon in autumn, which can nourish blood and nourish the skin without gaining weight, which is worse than bird's nest. Nowadays, female friends are paying more and more attention to their own aging problems. There are a lot of tonic capsules and a lot of facial masks in the refrigerator, but to be honest, except for the very expensive ladies' skin care products, the others are almost not very big. The effect of this, and such a large expenditure is unrealistic for most ordinary families. It’s autumn now, it’s a good season to drink soup. I want to teach you how to make a beauty soup. Drinking more is better than going to a beauty salon. It is black-bone chicken soup. Everyone knows that black-bone chicken is very nutritious and healthy. Excel
The most important thing for skin care is to get a good beauty sleep The most important thing for a woman is to get a beauty sleep. Sleeping time every night is the most vigorous period of metabolism, and it is also the key time for regulating endocrine and rest of the body's internal organs. Whether your skin is good or not depends on your beauty sleep or not. Otherwise, skin problems such as dark circles, eye bags, acne, and stains will appear. What happens if you don’t get a good night's sleep? Today, I will give my friends a list of skin problems one by one: πŸ™Ž  dark yellow face Irregularities in daily life will be very intuitively manifested on your facial skin, especially eye skin. As long as you don't get enough sleep, it will cause poor blood circulation in your body. At this time, melanin will creep up around your eyes, causing dark circles and stains. When you stay up late, the liver cannot get rest, and toxins and melanin cannot be excreted normally, and they wil
Is it acne or acne? 2 methods to teach you to distinguish Many men and women will grow various small bumps, pimples, acne or pimples on their faces, which greatly affects the beauty of the face, and even affects normal life in severe cases. For small acne on the face, some people say that it is acne, and some people say that it is acne. However, how exactly is the difference between acne and acne? How should we clean up these small pimples on the face? What is acne? In fact, acne and acne belong to the same condition to some extent, and there is no difference between the two. Sometimes, the relationship between the two is only contained and contained. Acne is actually not yet inflamed acne. Simply put, it is the previous stage of acne and the beginning of acne. It is medically called "comedogenic acne". When acne becomes inflamed, it will become so-called acne. This condition is not the name of the disease, but a symptom of the skin. Acne is divided into whiteheads and blackh
 7 NG actions to remove blackheads Guide: Compared with other skin problems, the battle for blackheads is a long one. If you want to take a shortcut and use simple and rude methods for blackheads, the ghost of strawberry nose will last for a long time. Quickly avoid the common misunderstandings of removing blackheads, and use scientific methods to contain the flooding blackhead forest. The following 7 misunderstandings of removing blackheads must be avoided. NG action one:S queeze the blackhead with your hand The raised blackheads in the pores make your hands itchy. Many people squeeze them with their hands, but because the nails tend to contain bacteria, they can easily cause skin inflammation. In the end, the blackheads are not resolved, and the pores will become bigger and bigger. And after squeezing the blackheads, the nose will become red and swollen, which is more ugly than full blackheads. NG action two: Pick with acne needle In fact, this principle is similar to that of squeezi
  How to whiten skin and reduce sunburn? ? ? Three elements determine fair skin   πŸ’š Know the whitening ingredients Scientists have developed a lot of safe and effective whitening ingredients, mainly vitamins and plant extracts. We are familiar with vitamin C, vitamin B3, licorice, kojic acid, ursolic acid, and soybean extracts, all of which have whitening effects. They have their own different whitening effects. The me, so when choosing them, we must understand the difference about them. For example: morning skin care, you need to use vitamin C-rich products, whitening can also resist oxidation, anti-aging, and resist external aggressions; before going to bed, you can choose to use vitamin A (retin yellow carcass) products, which can be used during sleep Reduces the precipitation of pigments and reduces the initial sunburn and stains. πŸ’š Don't panic when spots appear Fade away stains. Cut cucumber into thin slices and apply it on your face. It also has a deep cleansing effect. It
  Different color acne marks have different solutions! "I have been applying the anti-acne mark product for a month, but there are still a lot of black marks. Am I too impatient or used the wrong product?" It has not been eliminated, and new acne marks have been added. Before removing acne marks, you need to have a detailed understanding of acne marks. So which one should be solved first? Acne first. Most pimples leave acne marks (acne marks). Acne marks are divided into: red, black, uneven pits, etc., which can be divided into three common types: 1. The more serious ones are concave acne pits or proliferative convex acne scars (acne scars) 2. Lighter red pox marks (red pox marks) 3. Black acne marks (black acne marks) caused by abnormal melanin deposition   πŸ‘‰  Dimple pits or convex acne scars Facial diseases caused by infection, inflammation or external force squeeze, the main manifestation is that the pores of the face are concave inward, the shape is the same as orange pe
One white hides one hundred ugliness, whitening is not the times you go to the beauty salon, but the daily maintenance πŸ“  Pay attention to sun protection If you don't pay attention to sun protection, let the skin be exposed to the sun for a long time, even if you use more whitening skin care products, it will be useless. The first step to whitening is to take sun protection measures. Especially in summer, not only should you wear sunscreen and barrier cream, you should also bring a sun umbrella and sun hat with you.And try to avoid going out between 10 am and 2 pm. Because of the strongest ultraviolet rays during this period of the day, the damage to the skin is the greatest. Due to the short maintenance time of sunscreen, we should use it every two hours when we go out. πŸ“  Pay attention to skin cleanliness When we use skin whitening products, we must not neglect the importance of skin cleansing.Many women have the habit of applying makeup every day. As a result, substances such
 Why does the white and tender face turn yellow and black in the afternoon? Do you always encounter situations like this: after getting up in the morning, your skin will be white and tender in good condition after washing, and go to work happily after skin care and makeup. However, in the afternoon, you found glossy face, yellow complexion, makeup take off...what is going on? In such a situation, distress is certain. Quickly touch up the makeup, and a touch up foundation all floats on the surface of the skin. Not only it did not achieve the expected effect, but it was even worse, and there was even some powder... Why is the skin tone yellower or darker in the afternoon than in the morning? After a night's rest in the morning, the skin is generally in better condition. When washing your face, the water content of the stratum corneum will increase, and there will be a sense of moisture and transparency. Therefore, it looks more white and tender. However, during the day, the skin will